What is Westminster, Anyways?

Westminster rules! It has been described as the "Super Bowl of Dogdom". It is the most prestigious of American Dog Shows. Last year, Feb. 1998, was the 122nd annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. The first show was on May 8th, 9th and 10th of 1877. It is unique because it is a benched show, one of only 6 still around in the United States today. It is the second oldest continuos sporting event in all of the United States, second only to the Kentucky Derby. And the Kwntucky Derby is only one year older. (Do you ever have this urge to crash the Kentucky Derby and make Westminster the first? Okay, maybe not. Bad idea.) Prizes for the winning of Westminster are a sterling silver bowl (best in show), a sterling silver plate (group winners) and sterling silver medals for Best of Breed. The green carpets, purple ribbons and the WKC's emblem with a pointer have all become familiar aspects of this spectacular show. It has been held at Madison Square Garden since I still need to find out when.

To win at Westminster, even an Award of Merit or Best of Opposite Sex, is considered very good. Only dogs that are champions may show at Westminster. Westminster dogs represent every breed and variety recognized by the AKC. Last year, there were dogs from 47 states plus the District of Columbia, as well as dogs from Canada, Bermuda, Japan and South America. More to come!


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