A Benched Show There are two kinds of dog shows: Benched and Unbenched. There are only 6 Bench shows in all of the United States. If you've been to a dog show, it was probably and Unbenched shows. In Unbenched shows, dogs that are entered need to be present only for the judging of their breed or obedience class. As soon as that is done they may leave. Bench shows, on the other hand, require all of the dogs entered to stay on assigned benches the entire time of the show unless they are exhibiting (showing) or exercising (going potty) or being prepared to show (groomed). This is so fellow exhibitors, breeders and spectators can view and discuss the atributes and qualities of the dogs. Westminster Kennel Club is a two day show. Dogs entered must be present for both days. They are allowed to leave at night but only with a deposit that is returned when the dog returns the next day. That way, spectators that come for the second day of the show have just as much of a chance of seeing all of the dogs entered. Benches are generally partitioned off stalls. They are marked for each individual dog with the breed and indentification number of the dog. Obviously, Benched shows are rare. Besides Westminster Kennel Club, the Detroit Kennel Club Dog Show is also a benched show. Others, I'm still finding out about. Pictures of the benches at WKC are available from the American Kennel Club's site: http://www.akc.org/wkc/wkcpic8.jpg |
This site is not affiliated or sponsored by the Westminster Kennel Club. All information provided is from sources other than the Westminster Kennel Club and has not been approved or deemed accurate by the Westminster Kennel Club. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the information found on this website they should be addressed to remobec@juno.com. |