How You Can Help

I don't have much information about Westminster. I totally need anyone's help. There are several ways in which you can help. If you have valuable information that I don't, please e-mail me at:

Websites If you know of any websites about Westminster, containing pictures of Westminster, or profiling a Westminster winner (even mention of a Westminster winner) I would be happy to add it to my links page. Websites featuring an individual dog that has won at Westminster must include the fact that this dog won at Westminster. Preferably they would include the year, what the win is (Best of Breed, Award of Merit, etc.), but this is not necessary to be included in the links page.

Information I need information!!! I am compiling winners from 1997 and 1998. Information about 1998 winners is fairly abundant, but the one source that I've found about 1997 is incomplete in a lot of breeds. Before 1997, I have almost nothing! So if you know a single winner from any year, please, please let me know. Jr. qualifiers, judges, dates, etc. are all needed. Also, any incomplete information that I have could use some filling in. Here is the information that I am using (when I can get it) for each Westminster winner: 1. What was Won 2. Name of the Dog 3. AKC No. 4. Date of Birth 5. Sex 6. Sire 7. Dam 8. Breeder 9. Owner 10. Owner's City 11. Dog's Agent.

Corrections If you see any errors, misspellings or whatever, please let me know about them.

Articles and Photos Whether you are an owner, breeder, judge or handler, your photos, comments and articles about Westminster or the dogs entered are very welcome. Also welcome are photos from spectators. Articles written about Westminster by spectators (relating to their experience, sights, sound, etc.) are also welcome, but I can only accept a certain number of them before they become repetitious.

Dogs I will be willing to do a profile of certain Westminster winning dogs, such as seen in Pictures and a story (maybe more) would be included about each profiled dog, as well as a link to 1. The kennel, dog, handler, breeder (whatever's available on the web) 2. The AKC breed standard 3. Breed rescue and 4. any other relevant links (in the case above, a link to the UKC, because the breed is so new and the dog was being shown in the UKC).  In these profiles, especially welcome would be touching, inspirational or similar types of stories involving these dogs. Either I can write the story or you can.

History, Trivia, Humor, Pictures of Show Catalogs and everything else Here's where everything else falls in. I really want to make this an excellent and very complete website. Anything that you have that has to do with Westminster is very much welcome. Thanx!

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This site is not affiliated or sponsored by the Westminster Kennel Club. All information provided is from sources other than the Westminster Kennel Club and has not been approved or deemed accurate by the Westminster Kennel Club. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the information found on this website they should be addressed to