Teddy's Going to Westminster!!!

Lions and Tigers and (Teddy) Bears!
Lions and Tigers and Bears!
Oh My!!

Ch. Rose Croft Best Foot Forward


Teddy finished in 1998 as the number two Cairn Terrier in the country in both breed and group points. The number one Cairn will not be at Westminster this year. Never before has a Cairn gone Best in Show at Westminster, but Teddy is getting the competition a little worried this year! He was entered last year, but he still not much more than a baby. He didn't win at WKC '98, but he's been cleaning up the Cairn rings all over the place. So far, he has won 90 Best of Breeds, 11 Group Firsts, 11 Group Seconds, 10 Group Thirds and 12 Group Fourths! In almost half of all of his Best of Breed wins he went on to get a Group Placement!

Just a few of Teddy's wins:

Ventura Show Group I  Camellia Capital KC Group I

Black Mountain KC Group I  Cook Inlet KC Group I

Just this past month (Jan. '99) he has gotten 9 Best of Breeds accumulating 140 Breed Points and 7 Group Placements, totaling 1289 Group Points.

One of Teddy's favorite past times is being Nanny to the puppies born at Rose Croft and Bizzy B Cairns.

He caught his first mouse at four months old, swallowing it whole and ALIVE!!!

Teddy is the ULTIMATE show dog. He loves to show off in the ring. And he can really move! You know what that means? Everyone going to the Garden this year give him all the cheering and screaming and clapping that you've got! He'll love it!

And check out what Teddy's cousin/aunt did in 1996: Best of Breed at the Garden!

Teddy's uncle Ch. Rose Croft Born to Party was the #2 terrier in 1996 and is a Best in Show dog

Teddy's Links:

Teddy's Home Page
Rose Croft Kennels Home Page
Ch. Rose Croft's Best Invention this page about Cairns has a picture of Teddy's dad

Other Cairn Terrier links:

The Cairn Terrier Club of America
Cairn Terrier Rescue
The AKC Breed Standard for the Cairn Terrier
Look Familiar? Toto was a Cairn Terrier, too. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto"


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